Success story: Maison Blanche

Since 2015, Maison Blanche, a Venezuelan company dedicated to the import, distribution and marketing of wines and groceries, relies on SupraBT’s IT support services to protect and strengthen its technological infrastructure.

The company was a pioneer in the introduction of Argentine wines from Bodega Trapiche, a brand that it has represented exclusively in the country for 18 years, with the introduction of the Malbec strain in the country. Currently the company also manages a food line and markets its own brand of Madras Gourmand sardines, imported from Morocco. Headquartered in Caracas and with a branch in Porlamar, Maison Blanche has a total of 20 employees and its operations cover the central, eastern and northern regions of the country, including Caracas, Maracay, Valencia, Porlamar, Puerto Ordaz, Ciudad Bolívar and Zulia.

The need for professional support

6 years ago, after an incident that caused them to lose much of the information stored in their database, they decided to hire SupraBT’s IT support services. “The database represents the backbone of the company’s technological infrastructure, since it handles vital information for the business: entry and exit of merchandise, inventory control, sales, invoice records and all the historical data of the business”, comments Marcela Silva, commercial manager of Maison Blanche. To take care of such an important asset, they decided to turn to a qualified IT service provider that would guarantee them professionalism and trust, and SupraBT was chosen.

Help Desk

Through the Help Desk service, SupraBT offers Maison Blanche the delegated management of its ICT platform, which includes continuous attention for the supervision, management and maintenance of its entire IT infrastructure. This includes: security and data backup, maintenance and updating of servers and equipment, network supervision, software updating and platform improvement and expansion.

“Every time there is any problem or failure in any of the computer equipment used in the company, SupraBT takes care of it immediately”, says Silva. Inquiries and incidents can range from a printer failure, to a virus problem, to updating desktop equipment, data recovery, to contact and advice with other providers of software and IT services, such as Internet, networks or cabling.

Silva points out a key point of the service is the supervision and management of the server, since that is where all the company’s data is stored. Similarly, she highlights the value of the advice they receive when they need to update or replace a device or service and comments: “They evaluate and give us their recommendations on different providers that we can consider, and based on that, we make a decision. In the same manner, if we need to acquire any equipment or component, they review it to ensure that it is suitable and if it is obsolete equipment, they give us recommendations on how much we have to invest in order to recover it”.

Fast, effective and efficient

Contact with the help desk is made via email as the first communication channel, through which a support ticket or service request is generated. However, Silva notes, when it comes to a very critical or urgent situation, we communicate directly by phone or cell phone.

When evaluating the service, the commercial manager of Maison Blanche highlights the efficiency and immediacy of SupraBT’s response: “In less than an hour, we are already receiving attention to any request, either remotely or in person, depending on how critial it may be. It is as if we had a permanent IT staff in the company. Even without the need to open a ticket, SupraBT technicians are continuously monitoring that everything is operating optimally and if something is not right, they take care of it proactively”, she adds.

Unlimited support

Two years ago, Maison Blanche decided to expand the support it receives from SupraBT, moving from an hourly contract to an unlimited one.

“In the beginning, the company purchased packages of hours depending on the needs and requirements that arose. Currently, we work on the basis of a monthly fee that covers an unlimited number of hours. This gives us much more peace of mind, since we know that at any time we can pick up the phone and receive immediate attention. It is a VIP service, with very satisfactory results,” she says. Silva mentions that by reducing the errors and failures that could occur with the servers and programs, it has allowed them to reduce the efforts and time required to search or find information and this is indirectly reflected in the efficiency of the business. “The technical and advisory staff is very dedicated and committed; the service they provide is impeccable, and I can say that I would highly recommend it”, she concludes.

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SupraBT is a company that provides cutting-edge technological products and services committed to the objectives of its customers, designing solutions that meet their needs, following certified methodologies, relying on the most advanced technology of its partners and achieving optimized business processes to achieve the desired expectations.